
Build Your Blocks is a smart contract solutions and security firm based in Vancouver, British Columbia. With our experience across different industries, we will help you bring security and transparency to your business with smart contract solutions

Smart Contracts?

Smart Contracts are automated, self-enforcing contracts. These virtual agreements can facilitate the exchange of money, content, shares, property or anything of value. The automated nature of these contracts provides a tremendous opportunity for use in any field that relies on data to drive transactions.


One of the primary requirements of a smart contract is to record all terms and conditions in explicit detail. As a result, automated contracts avoid the pitfalls of manual entry. 


Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of automated contracts is that they eliminate the need for a vast chain of third-parties. 


The terms and conditions of these contracts are fully visible and accessible to all parties. There is no way to dispute them once the contract is established. 


Business agreements are automatically executed and enforced. Plus, these agreements are immutable and therefore unbreakable. 


Smart contracts remove the need for intermediaries and allow for transparent, direct relationships with customers.


Automated contracts use the highest level of data encryption currently available. 

Our Vision

We exist to unite businesses and consumers in the mainstream adoption of Blockchain technologies.

Core Values

Trusted Partnerships

At Build Your Blocks, we really want to invest in connecting as human beings beyond the business relationships.  Everyone plays an equal and critical part in the pursuit of a common purpose. No one role or duty is considered more important than the rest. We will be supportive of each other and rally to conquer the most difficult of challenges. We will remain humble and do the things we dislike doing, knowing that it benefits the team. We will communicate in direct and honest terms with each other.  We will not be afraid to ask for help, and we will not be afraid to give help.


At Build Your Blocks, we believe that effort and tenacity matter. We will never lose for lack of hard work. We are committed to going the extra mile in all things we do. We all have a do-whatever-it-takes attitude. Personal sacrifice for the greater good of the mission is rewarded and provides us with a sense of fulfillment. We are not afraid to work; we crave it.


At Build Your Blocks we always do the right thing – even when no one is watching. We recognize the work we do is very sensitive, and we refuse to violate ethical boundaries that would cause harm to our partners, their clients, our company and our team. We work tirelessly to build trust with our partners through acts of generosity, remaining humble and vulnerable, welcoming feedback, and establishing mutual accountability.

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